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+852 57128146 Contact@hkguitarstore.com Mon-Fri 1100-2100|Sat 1200-2000|sun 1400-2000

Benjamin Paldacci Guitars

Tone, Ergonomics & Aesthetics



我第一次拿起結他是在 19 歲的時候。

顯然,我對樂器的迷戀是明顯。自從初次拿起結他後,那振動一直在我生命中持續,從未離我而去。在 2009 年,懷著這份迷戀,我收拾好東西離開了我的祖國法國展開了新的旅程,在位於 Quebec City 的 National School of Lutherie 學習吉他製作技藝,並於 2013 年畢業。

在 2014 年 1 月 1 日,我有幸開設了自己的工作室,實現自己成為一名制琴師的夢想。

I have always been, for as far long as I can remember, fascinated with wood and music. It all began as a child, by the fireplace of our old house, where my father used to tell me stories in the dark; Lit up with nothing but the dim light of the fire, gently falling asleep by the hearth. Yet, to this day, these moments still remains as some of the best of my young existence.

I first picked up a guitar at age 19.

The fascination for the instrument was instant. It has been vibrating through my being ever since and has never abandoned me since.

This newfound love led me to pack my things and leave my home country of France, back in 2009, to set out on a journey and live out my dream to learn the art of guitarmaking, at the National School of Lutherie, in Quebec City, from which I graduated in 2013.

It is on January 1st, 2014 that I had the pleasure of opening my own workshop and pursue my dream of becoming a luthier.

Benjamin Paldacci 是新世代的年輕獨立製琴師,短短數年間其作品已成功進駐「木結他聖地」-Dream Guitars 及 Eddie’s Guitars 之中!Benjamin 的製琴哲學是 “Tone, Ergonomics & Aesthetics” – 以追求最好的音色、人體工學和美學為目標製作木結他。

目前,Benjamin Paldacci 主要提供 5 種不同的琴身型狀:OO-12、Auditorium (OM)、Small OM、Dreadnought 和 Nylon。Benjamin Paldacci  的結他都是經過其獨特設計,與一般的傳統標準和設計不同,以此實現他在音色上的追求。

同時,每一個型號也可以按個人需求進行「Custom Made」的改動。從木材的配搭,以至特定的需求或願望都可以提出。作為 Luthier Made 結他,Benjamin Paldacci 的 Inlay 和獨有的琴頭設計都具有識別性,使其作品得以自成一派。

Benjamin Paldacci Guitars 的音色特點,可歸納為聲音寬廣、反應靈敏、手感及抱琴體驗出色。其優秀的工藝和聲音表現,使 Benjamin Paldacci Guitars 足以成為任何結他演奏家的最佳夥伴!

HK Guitar Store and Benjamin Paldacci Guitars



除了理所當然地作為 Benjamin Paldacci Guitars’s Dealer 外,由於《結他士多》在木結他上的專業、認知和態度的獨特性,我們將合作推出『Benjamin Paldacci Guitars – HK Special Series』。由結他設計、木材配搭、琴頸形狀等等不同細節都會重新設計,以適應亞洲結他手的特有需求和喜好。

這一類型的 Project,無論是對 Benjamin Paldacci 還是《結他士多》都是一次嶄新的嘗試。是一場冒險,但也會是一次有意義的探索!

(Detail coming soon…)






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